September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Join us as we #GoGold for childhood, adolescent and young adult cancer.

Childhood Cancer Ireland is here to help children, adolescents, young adults and their families at every step on the childhood cancer journey – from diagnosis and through treatment, through survivorship and into adulthood.


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Support Services


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Because our children are more precious than Gold

Our Mission

Childhood Cancer Ireland is a charity founded by and led by parents of children with cancer.
Our mission is to achieve health justice for all children diagnosed with cancer in Ireland.

We want to ensure that more children survive childhood cancer and thrive as adults through early diagnosis, access to less toxic treatments and a holistic approach to support for survivors and their families, who are dealing with the long-term effects.


We provide dedicated support
services & information for…

Parents and Carers


If your child has recently been diagnosed with cancer, we understand the fear and powerlessness you are feeling. We have been where you are now, and we know that you are looking for useful information, but we also know that too much information can be overwhelming.

Young People

Young People

Adolescents and Young Adults (AYAs) have very specific concerns when they are diagnosed with cancer.
This is a time when you want to meet others and form close relationships. It’s a time when you want to focus on school, careers or starting families. 



 Leaving treatment is a time to celebrate but can also be an anxious time for patients and parents.
Living with childhood cancer is all-consuming – so what now? How do you go forward in this new life as a survivor?

“Supporting Ireland’s fight against childhood cancer”

6 children every week are diagnosed with cancer

Latest News

3-Year Strategic Plan

3-Year Strategic Plan

Childhood Cancer Ireland's new three-year strategic plan outlines our vision and goals for the future. Our strategic plan is built upon our core values of empathy, empowerment, life-long supports and collaboration.   Over the next three years, we are...

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International Childhood Cancer Day

International Childhood Cancer Day

Lord Mayor of Dublin hosts childhood cancer families on International Childhood Cancer Day  Children with cancer and survivors of childhood cancer attended a special afternoon tea at the Mansion House today, hosted by the Lord Mayor of Dublin Emma Blain to...

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CAYAS Conference 2025

CAYAS Conference 2025

We are delighted to announce that our 5th Annual CAYAS (Childhood, Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers & Survivorship) Conference will take place on Saturday 11th October in Croke Park Stadium, hosted by Childhood Cancer Ireland and CanTeen Ireland....

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Boy with red T-shirt

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Who We Are

A helping hand is most appreciated

Your generosity has the power to improve the lives of children, adolescents and young adults with cancer and their families.

We help ease the burden of diagnosis and treatment on children and their families by providing practical and emotional supports for families at a very difficult time.

Upcoming Events

Saturday 22nd March 2025

Brace yourself for Battle Cancer Dublin – Ireland’s biggest fitness fundraiser, where your strength, sweat and grit go all in for Childhood Cancer Ireland. 

If you are already taking part or interested in getting involved, contact us!

Find out more about Battle Cancer

22 Mar 2025

Our educational webinar series will explore the DARE (Disability Access Route to Education) application process, the CAO application form and the CAO change of mind process, as well as supports that are available in third level.
3. CAO change of mind and supports in 3rd level: Tuesday 8th April 2025 at 7.30pm.
In the third of our webinar series, we are once again joined by Ann Marie Curran , Disability Outreach Officer, University of Galway. Ann Marie will guide us through the CAO change of mind process and explore the supports that are available at 3rd level to help you transition to college life.
This webinar is of interest to parents and students who are in senior cycle, including 5th and 6th year.

08 Apr 2025

This webinar series is aimed at parents of children / adolescents who are currently in treatment. This series will support you as you navigate this stage with your family.

Parenting advice - siblings

Thursday 10th April at 10am This webinar focuses on the emotional and psychological needs of siblings of children undergoing cancer treatment. It will provide parents with insights into how siblings may be affected by the illness and offer strategies to help them cope. Topics include fostering open communication, addressing feelings of jealousy or guilt, maintaining sibling relationships, and ensuring siblings feel loved and supported.  The session will conclude with a Q&A to address concerns and signpost you to available supports.   This webinar will be facilitated by Debbie Cullinane. Debbie is a former teacher, Child & Adolescent Psychotherapist and play therapist and has been supporting families affected by Childhood Cancer since 2019.

Self care in treatment

Thursday 8th May at 10am This webinar is designed for parents and caregivers of children/adolescents undergoing cancer treatment. You may be encouraged by everyone to ‘look after yourself’ during treatment but what does that mean and how do you find time when you are juggling the care of your child and possibly siblings. Topics will include basic self-care tips such as sleep, diet, movement and managing worry and anxiety with a focus on simple strategies that may be achievable.  The session will conclude with a Q&A to address concerns and signpost you to available supports.  

Communication in treatment

Thursday 12th June  at 10am This webinar focuses on communicating with your family, community and medical team. It can feel like you are learning a new medical language at a stressful time and getting to know your medical team. Within their own personal supports, parents often share that they are learning to ask for help and are both unsure on what to ask for and how best to ask. As well as unsure on how to communicate the diagnosis and treatment with their child and siblings.   This webinar will be co-facilitated by Ciara Kennedy, Clinical Nurse Specialist, CHI Crumlin and Dr Mairead Brennan, Childhood Cancer Ireland Director of Psychosocial services, who will share tips and phrases that may help you across your personal and professional supports. The session will conclude with a Q&A to address concerns and signpost you to available supports.    


Register here for one or more of these webinars.

10 Apr 2025

This webinar series is aimed at parents of children / adolescents who are currently in treatment. This series will support you as you navigate this stage with your family.

Self care in treatment

Thursday 8th May at 10am This webinar is designed for parents and caregivers of children/adolescents undergoing cancer treatment. You may be encouraged by everyone to ‘look after yourself’ during treatment but what does that mean and how do you find time when you are juggling the care of your child and possibly siblings. Topics will include basic self-care tips such as sleep, diet, movement and managing worry and anxiety with a focus on simple strategies that may be achievable.  The session will conclude with a Q&A to address concerns and signpost you to available supports.  

Communication in treatment

Thursday 12th June  at 10am This webinar focuses on communicating with your family, community and medical team. It can feel like you are learning a new medical language at a stressful time and getting to know your medical team. Within their own personal supports, parents often share that they are learning to ask for help and are both unsure on what to ask for and how best to ask. As well as unsure on how to communicate the diagnosis and treatment with their child and siblings.   This webinar will be co-facilitated by Ciara Kennedy, Clinical Nurse Specialist, CHI Crumlin and Dr Mairead Brennan, Childhood Cancer Ireland Director of Psychosocial services, who will share tips and phrases that may help you across your personal and professional supports. The session will conclude with a Q&A to address concerns and signpost you to available supports.    


Register here for one or more of these webinars.

08 May 2025